Lets forget 2018 happened

Lets forget 2018 happened

And thus the world rotated into the year 2018 and I promptly fell off the planet. While I managed to find my footing around the end of August, I was completely burned out for the rest of the year.

I did manage National Novel Writing Month, barely. It was a huge uphill battle to get to 50,000 words last year. Other then that, I did almost zero writing for the year.

So, yeah. 2018. Good riddance.

Welcome 2019! I’ve got my energy back, I’m slowly getting back into writing. Holy crap its hard to pick it back up. I’ve got ideas, I’ve got procrastination, I’ve got… no wait, I’m brain dead by the end of the day.

Work is working very hard to keep me brain dead by the time I get home. And it’s not for the lack of loving my job. I love it. I’m apparently good at it, and they keep giving me more to do. I’m making a lot of decisions. It turns out decision making is exhausting! Who knew! I come home and can barely decide what I’m going to eat for dinner, let alone string words together into something coherent.

But, with the A-Z challenge, I’m hoping to get back on some kind of track.
So here goes nothing… Diving back in.

I’ll get Avera back on task. At least she’ll stop accidentally on purpose destroying things then. I hope.

Wow, a lot has changed in WordPress in the last two years! I’m gonna have to learn it all over again!

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